

Institution has subscription for e-Library resources on website

E-Library Subscription

Our e-Library subscription provides our academic community with access to a vast array of digital resources, including scholarly journals, e-books, research databases, and other valuable academic materials. With just a few clicks, users can explore a wealth of information spanning various disciplines, ensuring that they have the necessary resources at their fingertips to support their academic endeavors.

The e-Library resources cover a wide range of subjects, accommodating the diverse needs and interests of our students and researchers. Whether you are delving into the social sciences, exploring the realms of STEM disciplines, or immersing yourself in the humanities, our e-Library collection offers a wealth of knowledge and information to fuel your scholarly pursuits.

With our e-Library subscription, you can access high-quality, peer-reviewed articles and publications from esteemed academic journals, enriching your research with the latest advancements and discoveries in your field. The collection also includes e-books and reference materials, providing comprehensive and authoritative resources for in-depth study and exploration.


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Learning Beyond the Library

Our state-of-the-art libraries’ e-resources collection at the our Libraries contains databases in the legal, engineering, pharmacy, medical, and paramedical sectors as a way of staying up to date with contemporary technological trends. These databases meet the user’s fundamental requirements. Most databases can be accessed through IP, however others demand a login ID and password. With the help of Remote Access, faculty and current students can access a library-based software, issues library materials using barcodes, and the OPAC, or Online Public Access Catalogue, always makes it simple to locate books and other resources.